Designed to encourage your baby into a better position, so that you can enjoy an easier birth!
“As a labour ward midwife I purchased the Align Your Baby course in order to help more of the women in my care achieve optimal fetal positioning, and to help them achieve the best birth possible. I see misalignment , in particular back to back babies all the time in my role and I wanted to learn new skills to help women achieve shorter more comfortable labours.
This course is amazing! It is well presented, easy to follow and extremely well explained for both mothers and midwives and includes information from a midwife, pregnancy yoga teacher and osteopath and gives plenty of practical exercises which can be practiced throughout pregnancy. My particular favourite was the Rebozo section.
I would recommend this course to all pregnant women, whether it is your first, second, third or subsequent baby. If you have experienced a back to back labour in the past or if you have a baby in the breech position. This gives lovely practical exercises to maximise your chances of a straightforward birth, and also to make pregnancy more comfortable.
This course is an absolute bargain! The amount of expert content and researched information is priceless. Although I have been a midwife for over 20 years, I have learned so much from doing this course and will be using the techniques in my day to day work as well as recommending it to pregnant mums.”
“As a Senior Midwife and Hypnobirthing teacher I found the ‘Align Your Baby’ course very inspiring. The content in this course is explained very clearly and any one can follow it.
As a midwife I always encourage women to keep a healthy lifestyle during pregnancy and in this course you will find the 6 very easy steps to achieve this during pregnancy and beyond!!!
The yoga exercises are fantastic and can be done safely even if you never done yoga before. So no excuses ladies!!! If you aim for a wonderful birth experience I truly recommend to this course.”