As an extremely experienced massage therapist and a registered midwife, she is well qualified to design a treatment for you that will meet both your physical and emotional needs, as well as support you to prepare for labour with massage and teach you how to massage your baby!
A massage with Joanna will be
Wonderful preparation for birth and parenting.
Deeply relaxing.
A chance to stop, stay still, and connect to your baby.
Great for releasing typical discomfort, tensions, strains of pregnancy and the postnatal period
Come for a wonderfully revitalising, nurturing, and nourishing maternity treatment with Joanna, The Massaging Midwife.
“I was in my 42nd week of pregnancy when I had one of Jo’s incredible pregnancy massages in my home. By that stage there were lots of physical and emotional pressures building. Jo tailored the massage to my needs, and helped me to regain a sense of calm and control. I slept better that night than I had for ages...!”
— Amelia, Mum to Ernie
Why have a massage when you're pregnant?
Your body is AMAZING! You will be undergoing incredible physical, hormonal and emotional changes in pregnancy. Regular or even a one-off treatment can be enormously beneficial to support this process.
A pregnancy massage with Joanna may help to:
Relieve the strain and stresses of pregnancy
As your baby grows, your posture and alignment adapts. The increasing weight of your tummy and your muscles and joints lengthening and softening is hard work for your body, and muscles can feel tired as they get stretched. Joanna will use the right pressure and techniques to soothe and ease your aches.
Recuperate from exhaustion
Exhaustion can be relieved with deep relaxation techniques, and stimulation of acupressure points can alleviate typical pregnancy symptoms such as nausea.
Support your pelvis and stretch you out
Your pelvis is working hard in pregnancy. Massage may help to lengthen the lower back and decrease pelvic tilting, shorten and tone abdominal muscles, and open up the chest and lungs. Joint mobilisations will help to stretch you out, especially in the pelvis and ribs.
Encourage deeper and more relaxing breathing
Massage stimulates the respiratory and digestive systems, encouraging open and normal breathing, helping alleviate typical pregnancy symptoms such as heartburn.
Fill your body with oxytocin, the love hormone!
Give a treat to your baby! Your baby will enjoy all the benefits of massage. If you are happy and relaxed and calm, you will produce oxytocin and release endorphins. These hormones will transfer to the baby too via your placenta.
Pregnancy + Postnatal Massage Treatments
£75 for 70 minutes including consultation add £15 for travelling to your home.
You can also convert to a discounted bundle after receiving your treatment.
The sessions below cannot be booked independently but can be added on and enjoyed at the same time as your pregnancy or postnatal massage treatment.
35/ 60 minutes
Add on £45/ £65 to the cost of a massage treatment booked already.
Partners need massage too! It can be an overwhelming and all-encompassing experience to be supporting a pregnant woman/ new mother, and it is vital that they look after themselves too at this life-changing and slightly sleep-deprived time! Following a consultation, Joanna will give you a treatment that suits your needs. Please note that if this is in your home, the massage will be performed on the floor with cushions and blankets, as she does not travel with a massage couch.
Holistic massage promotes healing, relaxation and self-awareness. It uses a combination of Swedish massage techniques, energy balancing, passive movements and stretches.
“Joanna’s massage was brilliant for me in late pregnancy, helping me to deal with the stress and anxiety of going overdue. As well as being hugely experienced, she is a kind and empathetic therapist, and I would highly recommend her to any other exhausted or overwhelmed mum-to-be.”
— Emma, Mum to Kieran
Common Questions
Can I have a massage in my first trimester (the first twelve weeks)?
Many salons and spas do not massage women in the first trimester of their pregnancy. However, the beginning of pregnancy can be exhausting and sometimes nerve-wracking and you may really feel like having a treatment. As a midwife, I am acutely aware of the massive changes happening in your body and will be able to design a gentle treatment that is right for you.
I am finding lying down in one position very uncomfortable. Will I be able to move during my massage?
Pregnancy massage is a flexible massage! I am always willing to experiment with positions to make sure you stay comfortable during your treatment.
I am experiencing pelvic girdle pain. Can I still come for a massage?
Definitely! I will make sure you are comfortable with the massage and can show you mobilisations, which may help your pelvic pain.
How often can I have a massage?
As often as you like! I see some pregnant clients weekly, some monthly, and some just once. It is lovely building a relationship, but a one off treatment will still bring benefits.
I love massage and would love to be massaged in labour. Can you tell me what would feel good in labour?
If you book one of my add-on sessions, I will show you and your birth partner some massage strokes that may keep you calm and relaxed when labour starts. In my experience some women love touch in labour, and some hate it!
I am overdue and getting fed up. Will massage help me go into labour?
If you are feeling fed up and tense, a massage is a wonderful idea! I frequently massage women late on in their pregnancies. In later stages I often use acupressure points in my treatments that may naturally support the body to get ready for things to start labour. I can show you these points to repeat at home.
I cannot lie on my front because I am breastfeeding and it is not comfortable. What position will I be on for my massage?
I will massage you on your side with cushions to keep you comfy and if your baby wants to breastfeed or be close to you during the massage, then that is absolutely fine. If you need to stop the massage because your baby is crying and needs some cuddles, that's not a problem. Flexibility is everything!
Can I have a postnatal massage if I have had a caesarean birth?
Yes, you can. As a midwife who has cared for many women post operatively, you will feel safe with me giving you a treatment. Massage may help release the impact of medical interventions in your birth. Gentle and nurturing massage may also help release any stress and trauma from birth. Holding strokes on the abdominal area may feel comforting for you and help restore energetic flow. You can have a massage as soon as you feel ready.
Can I have a massage if I am having a high risk pregnancy?
There are many medical conditions that should not stop you from having a massage. Indeed, it is often a good idea to do something relaxing in a medically complicated pregnancy. However, I would advise you to get in touch with me and discuss your questions and doubts before making a booking, as well as clearing with your obstetrician that they consider it safe for you to receive a massage.
“The experience of being massaged by Joanna is so much more than the pleasure and relief that comes from someone so experienced treating a hardworking body. Her sensitivity, humour and deep knowledge about the pregnant body do the mind and spirit tons of unexpected good. A session with Joanna is pure mind/body therapy!”
— Emma, mother to Zoe + Sebastian