An Introduction to Hypnobirthing
What is Hypnobirthing?
Hypnobirthing is an approach to pregnancy and birth which combines deep relaxation techniques and self-hypnosis. This preparation enables a woman to release fears, increase confidence and feel calm so their experience of labour is easier and more comfortable. There are different schools of hypnobirthing and each teacher will add their own twist to these foundations.
What does Hypnobirthing Involve?
Most hypnobirthing classes will include slow breathing, relaxation and self-hypnosis, mindset with affirmations, birth environment and massage.
My classes also include preparation for early labour, aromatherapy, active birth positions, optimal fetal positioning, midwifery guidelines, special circumstances AND life after birth.
When Should you Start Hypnobirthing?
You can begin your hypnobirthing classes anytime following your 20-week scan and many women start between 28-32 weeks so they have plenty of time to get into a great mindset and practice the techniques. Women do still benefit with only two or three weeks to practice so its never to late to add some hypnobirthing tools to your birth preparation.
How Long Does it Take to Learn Hypnobirthing?
Every person is unique, it can take as little as two weeks to become confident with the hypnobirthing techniques and mindset but ideally give yourself 6-8 weeks. The more practice you do the easier it is to drop down into the state of deep relaxation which is so helpful during birth.
Does Hypnobirthing Actually Work?
Yes! Hypnobirthing has become so popular because women find it really helps them have a more positive birth experience and they want to share this with friends.
Free Hypnobirthing
You can sign up for a FREE Introduction to Hypnobirthing here and enjoy a free hypnobirthing track to support the ‘up stage’ of labour here .
If you would like more support, you can book group or private hypnobirthing classes with me here.