A Free Guide to Postnatal Healing

When Nissa asked me to write an article about postnatal healing, I jumped at the chance. It’s a subject I am truly passionate about and this stems from the knowledge that huge changes can be brought about physically, emotionally and spiritually by focusing on postnatal healing. This is something that I see happen on a daily basis in my clinic.

In this short article, I will introduce some key areas to think about:


Physical healing:

Rest - This is the essential first step for physical healing. It’s very easy to underestimate the need to rest and nourish yourself. But I have seen enough women who have suffered from a vaginal prolapse a few weeks after delivery to know this has got to be a priority.  

Scar tissue - If you’ve had a c-section, episiotomy or vaginal tearing, then doing scar tissue release work is super important. Many women are scared to touch their scar tissue but in fact, scar tissue responds beautifully to touch and research suggests that it has a hugely beneficial effect on the healing process. There are some simple techniques you can do yourself (you can find videos on my website for these with links below) and you can also see a women’s health specialist trained in scar tissue work to help with this.

Emotional healing:

Almost universally, we women tend to blame and judge ourselves - this can take many forms, such as ‘My birth went the way it did because I didn’t do enough,’ or ‘I’m not a real woman/mother because I didn’t do this...’ Honestly, it is rare to find a woman who is not blaming herself in some way. So, for emotional healing, the number one decision is to forgive ourselves. Think of the judgement you are making about yourself in relation to your pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding. Would you judge your friend for that?  Now forgive yourself for judging yourself in that way. It’s powerful to say this out loud and notice how you feel after saying this.

Spiritual healing:

Once we have done this emotional healing and are no longer blaming ourselves for the way things are, we are free to let the healing energy flow through us. I use a concept called the Birthing Field in my work - a loving energetic field which flows through us as mothers to our children. This is an incredibly powerful tool (which can be used even years after your delivery) to shift from numbness/disconnect/trauma within your body into a feeling a loving connection with your birth experience and your body. 

If you have experienced any sort of birth trauma then know that this can be healed and we can reconnect with our bodies in a beautiful way.  In my experience, it often doesn’t take much to do so, and you do not need to live with these effects. To find out more about postnatal healing check out the free resources on my website.

You can find a FREE shareable PDF of this piece here.




Rebecca is an experienced osteopath who works with you at the level which is appropriate – for some this will mean pure physical support, for others mental, emotional or spiritual support.   


She uses osteopathy in its fullest sense using structural, visceral and cranial approaches. Rebecca works with everyone (men, women and babies) but is particularly interested in supporting those with women’s health issues. She treats many women who have not been able to find help elsewhere and welcomes complex cases. 

Rebecca also works energetically helping to shift trauma patterns, frequently using this work to help women recover from difficult births and help with chronic pain patterns.  She offers this support face to face and virtually. For more information visit her website.

Rebecca Davies

Rebecca is an experienced osteopath who works with you at the level which is appropriate – for some this will mean pure physical support, for others mental, emotional or spiritual support.   

She uses osteopathy in its fullest sense using structural, visceral and cranial approaches. Rebecca works with everyone (men, women and babies) but is particularly interested in supporting those with women’s health issues. She treats many women who have not been able to find help elsewhere and welcomes complex cases. 

Rebecca also works energetically helping to shift trauma patterns, frequently using this work to help women recover from difficult births and help with chronic pain patterns.  She offers this support face to face and virtually. For more information visit her website.


A Free Guide to Having a Doula


A Free Guide to Breastfeeding, the Early Days